Articles Posted in Wrongful Death

4-9-24-Wrongful-Death-Lawsuit-300x200Few fatal car accidents can be anticipated, but many have causes that can and should be attributed to somebody other than the victim. Wrongful death lawsuits give New York families an opportunity to both reclaim their financial independence and to ensure that a wrongdoer is held accountable for a loved one’s death.

Understanding Wrongful Death Claims

In New York, a wrongful death is defined as any death caused by a “wrongful act, neglect or default.”

4-2-24-Emotional-Distress-300x200In New York, no-fault insurance coverage is limited in its ability to mitigate the serious impacts of long-term emotional distress. However, survivors with serious injuries retain the right to file a claim for compensation against the person or party who caused their accident.

Under most circumstances, a personal injury lawsuit provides an opportunity to obtain recompense for the following:

  1. Economic Damages: Economic damages refer to verifiable financial losses. These could include your outstanding medical bills, lost income from work, and anticipated care needs.

3-19-24-cartoon-accidentOver 2,000,000 people are injured in motor vehicle accidents each year. Further, the average driver will file a claim with their insurance company for a car crash once just about every 18 years. With statistics such as these, everyone needs to know what they should expect if they are in a car accident.

Immediately following a collision, it is important to:

  1. Relocate your vehicle to somewhere safe. If it is feasible, move your vehicle to the side, out of the way of other traffic, to avoid the risk of any additional injuries.

In the United States, over 80% of adults operate a motor vehicle multiple times per week. For most, the daily commute to and from work and school happens inside of a motor vehicle. In 2021, the United States was home to 232,781,797 licensed drivers who are estimated to have driven a combined total of over three trillion miles.

It is further estimated, that licensed drivers in the United States will spend an average of 17,600 minutes driving every year. With all this time spent in the car, it is not surprising that 77% of U.S. drivers have been in at least one accident. While accidents cannot be completely stopped altogether, they may be prevented if people practice conscientious driving and observe all of the traffic rules and regulations.

Practices to Follow to Prevent Car Accidents:

What-to-Expect-at-Trial-Blog-scaledBeing involved in a car accident is stressful enough, but the prospect of a trial can feel overwhelming. Suppose you’re facing this situation in Upstate New York. In that case, understanding the process can ease your anxiety and empower you to make informed decisions. Our elite team of Buffalo, New York, car accident injury lawyers at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. represents countless car accident victims and wants to guide you through what to expect during a trial.

Before The Trial:

  1. Discovery: This phase involves exchanging information and evidence between both parties. We’ll assist you in gathering crucial documents like accident reports, medical records, and witness statements. This stage is essential for building a strong case.

After-A-Car-Accident-Blog-scaledAfter being involved in a car accident caused by another driver’s negligence or recklessness, it is customary to be confused, anxious, and even angry. Very few crash victims ever anticipate being involved in devastating collisions or sustaining severe injuries. Consequently, most motorists are unsure about the appropriate actions to implement after their accidents. This commonly results in crash victims making critical mistakes. Although some oversights are relatively harmless, other mistakes could seriously prejudice your case and make recovering reasonable compensation difficult. 

Your actions directly following your crash could profoundly impact the result of your prospective claim. In this guide, the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s top rated car accident lawyers will educate you on the top 5 mistakes to steer clear of following a car accident. If you or a family member are in a car accident, it is crucial to avoid the following missteps:

  1. Failing To Get Medical Attention: It’s essential to seek medical care, even for injuries that appear to be minor. After all the adrenaline from your accident decreases, you could notice more pain. Victims suffering from injuries like whiplash or internal bleeding may not even realize that they have been seriously injured. Even minor injuries can take a turn for the worse when left untreated. 

RECKLESS-DRIVING-scaledEach year, millions of victims suffer severe, life-altering injuries and tragic fatalities in accidents on the road. The roads in Western New York are dangerous enough without even considering reckless drivers. Reckless driving poses a substantial risk to the motorist, occupants of other vehicles, pedestrians, and everyone else on the road. Unfortunately, many drivers engage in reckless driving despite knowing that these destructive behaviors considerably heighten their risk of causing a devasting accident. 

What Is Reckless Driving? 

In the 1990s, the term “reckless driving” emerged to describe dangerous behaviors behind the wheel. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines reckless driving as operating a vehicle in any way that can cause danger to others on the road. 

Bicyclist-in-traffic-scaledEven the smallest car outweighs the sturdiest of bicycles by a considerable margin. When cycling, the protection offered to riders is minimal, almost non-existent. Cyclists are alarmingly vulnerable to severe injuries in the event of a collision with a motor vehicle. From bone fractures and traumatic brain injuries to organ damage and even death, the impact is bound to be life-altering. The financial ramifications of a car accident as a bicyclist can be grave, as emergency medical treatments and hospitalization typically come at a steep price.

Crucial Steps For Victims Of Car Versus Bicycle Accidents  

Suppose you were hit by a car while riding your bicycle. In that case, our battle-tested injury lawyers strongly recommend taking the following steps to safeguard your legal rights:

Blog-Best-Medical-Care-scaledAfter being involved in any car accident, your top priority should be your health. For those victims who sustain devastating injuries or worse, an ambulance will likely rush them to the closest emergency room for treatment. In this blog post, the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s seasoned car accident lawyers in Buffalo, New York, would like to discuss how victims with minor to moderate injuries should obtain medical treatment. 

Far too many victims of car crashes fail to recognize the signs and symptoms of their injuries. Consequently, they often dismiss legitimate injuries as just being “shaken up” and fail to obtain the necessary medical treatment. Many injuries, such as whiplash and concussions, typically do not manifest immediately, and insurance companies are notorious for using delays and gaps in treatment against claimants.

Countless clients have come into our office saying they felt no pain at the accident scene or later that day. However, the following morning, they woke up barely being able to move with unbearable symptoms, such as pain, stiffness, dizziness, numbness, headaches, or nausea. A significant reason for this is that your body produces morphine-like endorphins, which effectively mask the pain. Never assume that your symptoms or pain will disappear on their own. We cannot stress enough the importance of getting checked out by a medical professional as soon as possible after a collision. 

No-Win-No-Fee-scaledEvery year, millions of Americans are involved in car accidents and suffer devastating injuries or worse. Victims who are fortunate enough to survive severe collisions may need weeks or even months to recover. Instead of being able to earn a living, crash victims may be incapacitated or in too much pain to work. Even with the best medical insurance policy, hospital bills and other medical expenses can quickly pile up. Consequently, far too many car accident victims find themselves in demoralizing psychological, physical, and financial circumstances. 

At the Dietrich Law Firm P.C., our battle-tested car accident attorneys realize that pursuing a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver may be the only way to begin your road to recovery. Jed Dietrich, Esq. believes every accident victim deserves highly skilled legal representation. The last thing that any car crash victim should worry about is paying a lawyer to fight their case. 

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s Lawyers Work On A Contingency Fee Basis 

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