Articles Posted in ATV Accident

8-6-24-wrongful-death-300x200Slip-and-fall accidents can have many different outcomes.

Suppose an accident survivor sustains serious injuries through no fault of their own. In that case, they are often entitled to file a claim for compensation that can be used to pay for medical debt, replace lost income from work, and mitigate mental anguish. These claims typically take either of the following forms:

  1. A personal injury lawsuit; or

5-28-24-Drowsy-Driving-300x200In many ways, the effects of driving while fatigued mirror the effects of driving under the influence of either drugs or alcohol. According to some studies, sleep-deprived motorists have slower reaction times than those who are drunk. Similar effects have been reported concerning “lateral control,” or the ability to stay within the boundaries of a single lane.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has found that drowsy driving, and drowsy drivers, are responsible for the following:

  1. An estimated 91,000 police-reported collisions annually;

5-1-24-Insurance-Claim-300x250Every car insurance company has its own rules determining how, where, and when drivers should submit accident claims. However, most agencies have similar expectations that might make filing a claim seem easy, but could risk your right to a fair recovery.

The Importance Of Filing An Insurance Claim

New York is a no-fault insurance state.

4-23-24-Head-On-Collision-300x300Head-on collisions almost always pose a very real risk of injury or death.

For survivors, the costs of recovery can be enormous. If you have been injured in a front-impact crash that was not your fault, you may be entitled to significant compensation.

You should protect your rights by taking the following steps:

4-9-24-Wrongful-Death-Lawsuit-300x200Few fatal car accidents can be anticipated, but many have causes that can and should be attributed to somebody other than the victim. Wrongful death lawsuits give New York families an opportunity to both reclaim their financial independence and to ensure that a wrongdoer is held accountable for a loved one’s death.

Understanding Wrongful Death Claims

In New York, a wrongful death is defined as any death caused by a “wrongful act, neglect or default.”

4-2-24-Emotional-Distress-300x200In New York, no-fault insurance coverage is limited in its ability to mitigate the serious impacts of long-term emotional distress. However, survivors with serious injuries retain the right to file a claim for compensation against the person or party who caused their accident.

Under most circumstances, a personal injury lawsuit provides an opportunity to obtain recompense for the following:

  1. Economic Damages: Economic damages refer to verifiable financial losses. These could include your outstanding medical bills, lost income from work, and anticipated care needs.

3-27-24-hourglass-300x200Car accidents can have life-altering repercussions. For many survivors, the road to recovery is anything but straightforward. Even when physical injuries seem likely to heal, other wounds sometimes linger for far longer—making it difficult for victims to get a good night’s sleep, reclaim their self-esteem, or live a life unburdened by pain.

In New York, no-fault insurance policies ensure a baseline of medical benefits—benefits that can help drivers, and injured passengers, mitigate the costs of routine care. However, insurance settlements often fall short, with payments restricted by statute and subject to the terms of a motorist’s coverage. Companies are rarely, if ever, required to compensate survivors for pain and suffering.

A personal injury lawsuit, in contrast, provides an opportunity to recover a much wider range of economic and non-economic damages. Compensation for pain and suffering falls into the latter category, and typically consists of either, or both, of the following components:

3-19-24-cartoon-accidentOver 2,000,000 people are injured in motor vehicle accidents each year. Further, the average driver will file a claim with their insurance company for a car crash once just about every 18 years. With statistics such as these, everyone needs to know what they should expect if they are in a car accident.

Immediately following a collision, it is important to:

  1. Relocate your vehicle to somewhere safe. If it is feasible, move your vehicle to the side, out of the way of other traffic, to avoid the risk of any additional injuries.

What-to-Expect-at-Trial-Blog-scaledBeing involved in a car accident is stressful enough, but the prospect of a trial can feel overwhelming. Suppose you’re facing this situation in Upstate New York. In that case, understanding the process can ease your anxiety and empower you to make informed decisions. Our elite team of Buffalo, New York, car accident injury lawyers at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. represents countless car accident victims and wants to guide you through what to expect during a trial.

Before The Trial:

  1. Discovery: This phase involves exchanging information and evidence between both parties. We’ll assist you in gathering crucial documents like accident reports, medical records, and witness statements. This stage is essential for building a strong case.

Ins-Adjuster-Blog-scaledSuppose that you got into a car accident that was not your fault, and you sustained some unfortunate injuries. You are likely feeling highly stressed and overwhelmed. Filing an insurance claim is one of the most critical steps toward obtaining compensation for medical expenses, repair shop costs, missed work, and other damages.

You have probably heard horror stories about insurance adjusters. Some insurance companies are notorious for being difficult with their policyholders. Since New York is a no-fault state, regardless of who caused the collision, you must file a claim with your insurance company to recover compensation. Consequently, you should file an insurance claim as quickly as possible. Below are five tactics insurance companies may try to use against you:

  1. Acting Concerned: Adjusters may call you, pretend they are checking up on you, and offer sympathy. Please do not be deceived into thinking that they care. The truth is that the average insurance company cares more about saving money than helping you. Insurance agents often act like your friends so that you will let your guard down. Once they earn your trust, the adjuster may start questioning you to trick you into saying something they can use against you. 
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