Articles Tagged with wrongful death

5-1-24-Insurance-Claim-300x250Every car insurance company has its own rules determining how, where, and when drivers should submit accident claims. However, most agencies have similar expectations that might make filing a claim seem easy, but could risk your right to a fair recovery.

The Importance Of Filing An Insurance Claim

New York is a no-fault insurance state.

4-9-24-Wrongful-Death-Lawsuit-300x200Few fatal car accidents can be anticipated, but many have causes that can and should be attributed to somebody other than the victim. Wrongful death lawsuits give New York families an opportunity to both reclaim their financial independence and to ensure that a wrongdoer is held accountable for a loved one’s death.

Understanding Wrongful Death Claims

In New York, a wrongful death is defined as any death caused by a “wrongful act, neglect or default.”

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