Articles Posted in Pedestrian Accident

Bicyclist-in-traffic-scaledEven the smallest car outweighs the sturdiest of bicycles by a considerable margin. When cycling, the protection offered to riders is minimal, almost non-existent. Cyclists are alarmingly vulnerable to severe injuries in the event of a collision with a motor vehicle. From bone fractures and traumatic brain injuries to organ damage and even death, the impact is bound to be life-altering. The financial ramifications of a car accident as a bicyclist can be grave, as emergency medical treatments and hospitalization typically come at a steep price.

Crucial Steps For Victims Of Car Versus Bicycle Accidents  

Suppose you were hit by a car while riding your bicycle. In that case, our battle-tested injury lawyers strongly recommend taking the following steps to safeguard your legal rights:

Blog-Best-Medical-Care-scaledAfter being involved in any car accident, your top priority should be your health. For those victims who sustain devastating injuries or worse, an ambulance will likely rush them to the closest emergency room for treatment. In this blog post, the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s seasoned car accident lawyers in Buffalo, New York, would like to discuss how victims with minor to moderate injuries should obtain medical treatment. 

Far too many victims of car crashes fail to recognize the signs and symptoms of their injuries. Consequently, they often dismiss legitimate injuries as just being “shaken up” and fail to obtain the necessary medical treatment. Many injuries, such as whiplash and concussions, typically do not manifest immediately, and insurance companies are notorious for using delays and gaps in treatment against claimants.

Countless clients have come into our office saying they felt no pain at the accident scene or later that day. However, the following morning, they woke up barely being able to move with unbearable symptoms, such as pain, stiffness, dizziness, numbness, headaches, or nausea. A significant reason for this is that your body produces morphine-like endorphins, which effectively mask the pain. Never assume that your symptoms or pain will disappear on their own. We cannot stress enough the importance of getting checked out by a medical professional as soon as possible after a collision. 

Pedestrian-Safety-scaledWalking is a great way to get around and get some exercise in the process. Pedestrians can help reduce their carbon footprint while enjoying some fresh air. No wonder walking has become increasingly popular in recent times. However, if you prefer walking, being aware of the risks of being involved in a pedestrian accident is crucial. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in a recent year alone, there were roughly 6,300 pedestrians killed in traffic-related accidents. When on foot, you are approximately 1.5 times more susceptible to being fatally injured in an accident than car occupants. 

Every 9 minutes, a pedestrian suffers injuries caused by contact with a vehicle. Given the vast difference between the weight and velocity of your average vehicle and a pedestrian, it is understandable why foot-travelers are so vulnerable, especially considering they lack all protections. Consequently, pedestrian accident injuries are rarely just minor cuts and bruises. 

Common Causes Of Pedestrian Accidents

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