Spinal Cord Injury

spinal-cord-injury-blog-post-scaledThe spinal cord is a long, cylindrical pathway that connects your brain to your lower back. It is a delicate structure composed of vertebrae, discs, nerves, and other tissues. A spinal cord injury consists of any damage to a segment of the spinal cord or nerves at the end of the cauda equina. When part of the spine gets damaged, areas of the body below the site might not receive nerve messages and suffer changes in sensation, strength, and other critical body functions. According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC), a recent estimate revealed that more than 17,800 victims suffer spinal cord injuries yearly. Approximately 294,000 individuals throughout the country are currently struggling with spinal cord injuries. 

Common Causes Of Spinal Cord Injuries 

Although almost any personal injury accident can result in spinal cord damage, car accidents are the leading cause. Recent figures from the NSCISC showed that more than 38 percent of all spinal injuries were due to crashes. Some other frequent causes of spinal cord damage include:

  1. Slip and falls; 
  2. Acts of violence, such as gunshot wounds and assaults;
  3. Sports injuries, including football and wrestling;
  4. Recreational activities, like bicycling;
  5. Falls from elevated heights, such as ladders;
  6. Motorcycle accidents;
  7. Workplace incidents;
  8. Construction site mishaps; 
  9. Pedestrian accidents; and 
  10. Medical malpractice.

Symptoms Of Spinal Cord Damage

After a spinal cord injury, the ability to control your limbs hinges on the severity and the location of the damage. The lowest segment of your spinal cord that remains unharmed is called the neurological level of the injury. The severity of the damage is referred to as completeness and classified as either complete or incomplete. As the name suggests, complete damage indicates the loss of all motor function and feeling below the injury, whereas incomplete means that you retain some ability to control movement or sensory below the damaged area. After a severe accident, your doctor will likely perform a detailed examination to determine the completeness of your injury and neurological level. Signs and symptoms of spinal cord injuries include the following: 

  1. Numbness or tingling in your hands, feet, fingers, or toes; 
  2. Loss of sensation, such as the ability to feel cold, heat, or touch;
  3. Loss of movement;
  4. Loss of bladder or bowel control;
  5. Intense pain, pressure, or stinging sensation in your head, neck, or back;
  6. Weakness or paralysis in part of your body;
  7. Impaired breathing; and
  8. Difficulty walking or standing.

Retain The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s Highly Successful Spinal Cord Injury Litigators   

Many spinal cord injury victims and their loved ones suffer permanent, life-altering harm. Retaining a law firm with extensive practice negotiating and trying spinal cord injury cases can help you get the highest possible compensation. Jed Dietrich, Esq., acclaimed as Super Lawyer, obtained a $2,750,000 settlement for a 36-year-old client who required two spinal fusions after being hit by a truck. Take your first step today by calling the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s battle-tested attorneys at 716-839-3939 or completing the online consultation form

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