Rochester, New York, Foot, Ankle, And Leg Injury Lawyers
Jed Dietrich, Esq. Has Spent His Entire Career Standing Up for Victims of Negligence. The Dietrich Law Firm, P.C., Will Fight to Help You Secure the Compensation You Deserve.
Foot, ankle, and leg injuries are incredibly common. However, that does not mean that they cannot be severe. While a sprained ankle might not require intensive medical treatment, broken bones and ruptured tendons can cause debilitating pain. These injuries often demand long-term recovery plans. An accident victim could be forced to take days, weeks, or even months away from work, losing the income they need to keep a roof over their head. All the while, they might be unable to exercise, spend time with family, or otherwise live an independent, healthy, and fulfilling life.
Whenever you, or a loved one, are injured by another person’s negligence, you could be entitled to significant financial compensation. However, securing a fair legal recovery could be difficult if you do not have an experienced Rochester personal injury attorney in your corner. An at-fault individual or business’s insurance company could refuse to give you a fair settlement—they might even deny your claim outright, claiming that you were reckless and should be held responsible for your own injuries.
Fortunately, you do not have to accept an insurance company’s bad-faith settlement or a business’s never-ending demands for proof of injury. The Dietrich Law Firm, P.C., has spent years helping our clients across Rochester and Western New York stand up for their rights. Please send us a message online or call us at (585) 939-3939 to discover how we could help you get the recovery you need and the justice you deserve.
Common Types Of Foot, Ankle, And Leg Injuries Since the lower body has so many bones, tendons, and ligaments, serious injuries can happen quickly and unexpectedly. The most common foot, ankle, and leg injuries include:
- Broken Bones and Fractures: The unique nature of a particular accident could influence the severity of broken bones. However, even simple fractures could take weeks to heal and may require surgery. If a fracture is not promptly or properly treated, it could develop complications, including chronic pain, arthritis, or nerve damage.
- Achilles Tendon Ruptures: Ruptures are frequently observed in athletes but can have other causes. Many people need surgery to correct an Achilles tendon rupture, which affects the heel.
- Ankle Sprains: These occur when the ligaments surrounding the heel or ankle bones stretch too far.
- Nerve Damage: Nerve damage is sometimes observed independently or alongside other foot, ankle, and leg injuries.
Some foot, ankle, and leg injuries can require intensive medical treatment and long-term care, costing you and your loved ones thousands of dollars. However, you do not have to bear this burden alone. The Dietrich Law Firm, P.C., could help you reclaim the finances you need to take your life back. Please call us at (585) 939-3939 to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.
Causes Of Foot, Ankle, And Leg Injury AccidentsThe human body might be resilient, but it still has its limits. Although many foot, ankle, and leg injuries are accidental, some are caused by negligence. The most common causes of such injuries include:
- Slip and Falls: People can get seriously hurt when a negligent storekeeper, apartment complex, or municipal corporation fails to remove dangerous accumulations of snow, ice, water, or other debris from their properties. When these dangerous hazards are not properly cleared, people could slip and fall, spraining their ankles or even breaking bones.
- Inadequate Property Maintenance: Any residence or commercial establishment open to the public has a legal responsibility to ensure its premises are free from unreasonable hazards. Lifted carpets, jagged or loose tiles, and poorly maintained walkways could cause foot, ankle, and leg injuries.
- Improper Safety Precautions: Lower body injuries among athletes are extremely common. While some sports-related injuries cannot be avoided, a school or athletics organization could be liable for serious injuries if they disregard player safety or do not enact and follow safety procedures.
- Unsafe Workplaces: Any workplace could contain hazards that lead to slip and falls. However, some work sites are especially dangerous. Construction workers, for example, suffer high rates of foot, ankle, and leg injuries, since they are often required to climb ladders, scale rooftops, and navigate unfinished surfaces. While construction companies implement many strategies to shield themselves from legal liability, they could still be held accountable for injuries if they neglect to address reasonable safety complaints or visibly apparent hazards.
- Automobile Accidents: Car and motorcycle crashes are leading causes of lower extremity injuries. Motorcyclists, in particular, are at a heightened risk of foot, ankle, and leg injuries.
Any foot, ankle, or leg injury has the potential to significantly disrupt a person’s life, costing them tens of thousands of dollars in medical fees, follow-up physician appointments, and lost income. Even if you have a seemingly open-and-shut negligence claim, the insurance company could attempt to undervalue your case, leaving you without the resources you will need for your long-term recovery. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s dedicated team of Rochester personal injury lawyers could help you secure the compensation you need to begin moving past your accident.
Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at (585) 939-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious, and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Rochester, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!