
Articles Posted in Personal Injury


5 Tips To Avoid Rear-End Collisions

If you or a loved one were involved in a car accident, there is a one-in-three chance it was a rear-end collision. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), rear-enders account for over 32 percent of all car accidents. While many of these accidents occur at low speeds,…


How To Handle Road Rage: A Defensive Guide

Road rage refers to a driver’s intense anger, typically sparked by another’s provoking behavior and manifested through aggressive or violent actions. In recent years, road rage incidents have hit record highs throughout the United States. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), experiencing aggressive driving has become all too common,…


How To Avoid Car Accidents In Bad Weather

While car crashes can happen just about any time, the risk of being involved in a collision significantly increases in bad weather. In fact, bad weather conditions are notorious for causing devastating car accidents throughout Western New York. Heavy rain, intense snowfall, poor visibility, and slick roads can all easily…


How To Protect Yourself From Hit-And-Run Drivers

The streets of New York State have become a battleground for a disturbing trend: hit-and-run collisions. In a perfect world, every motorist would adhere to the law, stopping and exchanging information after a collision. But alas, some drivers seem to have a knack for playing hide-and-seek with responsibility. They strike…


How To Avoid Drowsy Driving Car Accidents

Discover the hidden epidemic sweeping our nation’s roads, threatening the lives of countless innocent individuals: drowsy driving. In a sleep-deprived society where the average American gets less than 7 hours of rest each night, the consequences can be dire. Astonishingly, despite the universal understanding that driving while drowsy is a…


Legal Terms In Personal Injury Claims

Each year, tens of millions of accidents occur throughout the United States, such as rear-end collisions and falls down the stairs. Jed Dietrich, Esq., understands that you may face physical, psychological, and financial troubles. We may be able to seek monetary compensation for all of your damages in a personal injury lawsuit.…


The Top 10 Meanest Dog Breeds

Every year, more than 4.7 million victims throughout the United States are bitten or attacked by dogs. Roughly 20% of those attacked by canines require urgent medical care. Although usually born good-natured, dogs can become mean if mistreated or in dire circumstances. Dogs also tend to be aggressive if they…


Injury Claim FAQs

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s battle-tested attorneys have seen the devastating impact serious accidents can have on victims and, ultimately, their loved ones. After suffering severe injuries in a personal injury accident, it is not unusual for victims to have many unanswered questions. Our elite team has compiled a list…


What Is Causation In A Personal Injury Case?

In a personal injury case, the plaintiff must prove the defendant was negligent by demonstrating liability. To accomplish this, the plaintiff must establish the four legal elements of negligence. Causation is the third legal element needed to prove the defendant’s negligence. The legal term causation refers to the causal link…


What Is A Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)?

Operating a commercial vehicle is vastly different and more challenging than driving a passenger vehicle. Large trucks weigh up to 80,000 pounds and are often 30 times heavier than the average passenger vehicle. The massive size and weight of semi-trucks drastically exacerbate the impact and damage they can inflict in…

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