
Rochester, New York, Neck Injury Lawyers

Top Ranked Rochester Neck Injury Accident Attorneys

You Deserve a Neck Injury Attorney Who Is Committed to Providing the Highest Level of Personal Injury Service. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. Will Go the Distance to Get You the Compensation You Deserve.

Since establishing the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. in 2005, Jed Dietrich, Esq., has represented numerous clients who suffered serious neck injuries in Rochester and Monroe County car accidents. Jed Dietrich, Esq., and his dedicated team of legal professionals know what it takes to get you the compensation you need and the recovery you deserve. Every car accident has the potential to cause life-altering and irreversible injuries. While some wounds can be treated with little more than rest, others yield years of pain and discomfort, turning the simplest tasks into seemingly insurmountable challenges. Neck and back injuries are among the most likely to culminate in chronic disability, serving as a constant reminder of how another person’s bad decision changed your life.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. understands that moving past an accident is not easy, especially if you have been diagnosed with whiplash or another serious medical condition. While nobody can change the past, an experienced Rochester neck injury attorney can help secure the funds you need to reclaim your health. Our attorneys have a proven record of success. We know how to prove that you deserve recompense for your injuries. Please send us a message online or call us at 585-939-3939 to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation today.

Making Sense Of Rochester Neck Injury Accidents

Neck injuries are not always easy to understand. If you broke a bone or sustained burns in an accident, you probably do not need a doctor to tell you that you have been hurt. However, neck injuries may not be noticeable in the immediate aftermath of an accident. Sometimes it can take days, weeks, or even months before you begin experiencing pain or other symptoms. Although neck injuries can have many different causes, they are usually the result of physical trauma, the common culprits of which include:

  1. Car crashes;
  2. Motorcycle accidents;
  3. Slips and falls; and
  4. Sports-related injuries.

Since neck injuries can take time to make themselves known, you should never ignore pain or discomfort after an accident—even if the accident took place weeks before. If you believe your neck pain or diagnosed injury can be traced back to an accident, you could be eligible for significant compensation. However, in order to receive recompense, you will have to show that another person or party’s wrongdoing was responsible for your injuries. Jed Dietrich, Esq., is an American Institute of Trial Lawyers Litigator of the Year specializing in proving negligence. Please send Jed Dietrich, Esq., a message today to discover how he can help you get the justice you deserve.



Common Rochester Neck Accident Injuries

Your neck has seven bones, twenty muscles, different types of ligaments and tissue, and a complex network of nerves that carry messages between the brain and the rest of your body. If this delicate system is damaged in an accident, the consequences can be catastrophic. Since the neck comprises a number of constituent bones, muscles, and nerves, an accident can cause many different injuries. While these injuries can sometimes be isolated to the neck, they often affect the upper back and spine, too. Car crashes and other high-impact accidents are frequently responsible for:

  1. Whiplash: Whiplash can happen when the head and neck violently jerk back and forth, straining and possibly tearing a muscle, ligaments, nerves, and other connective tissue. Whiplash is characterized by pain and stiffness in the neck and upper back but can include other symptoms such as dizziness, recurring headaches, and difficulty concentrating. Although rear-end car accidents account for most whiplash diagnoses, this condition can also be caused by sports accidents, physical altercations, and other forceful events.
  2. Cervical Spondylolisthesis: The massive amounts of force involved in a car accident can displace individual vertebra in the spine. If a vertebra is not properly aligned, it can exert pressure on nerve roots, causing pain or weakness. If cervical spondylolisthesis is not treated quickly, it can worsen with time.
  3. Slipped and Herniated Discs: The spinal column has rubber-like cushions between its constituent vertebrae. If one of these cushions moves or ruptures, it can lead to severe discomfort; sometimes, this manifests as localized pain, but a slipped disc can also cause pain in the arms and legs.
  4. Neck Sprains and Fractures: A car crash or violent slip and fall can tear muscle fiber or ligaments. In some cases, the neck bones may also fracture or break. Depending on the extent of the damage, a neck fracture can cause death, paralysis, or disability.

Insurance companies have unfairly maligned some common accident-related neck injuries. Whiplash, for instance, is often derided as an “imaginary” condition by car insurance carriers. This is because whiplash, while a recognized medical ailment, cannot be confirmed by any specific test or procedure. You do not need to let an insurance adjuster tell you that your pain is not real. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. can help you gather the records you need to get a fair and equitable settlement. If the insurance company is not willing to treat you right, we can intervene to get you the money you need to get better. Please call us today at 585-939-3939 to discuss your case and potential legal remedies.

What To Do After A Rochester Neck Injury Accident

A neck injury can have long-term complications. Since the anatomy of the neck is complex, doctors cannot always provide guaranteed solutions to pain. If your neck was hurt in a Rochester accident caused by someone else, you could take certain steps to safeguard your recovery:

  1. Document Your Damages: If you do not need to go to the emergency room, try to collect evidence of your injury and the circumstances in which it occurred. If you were in a car accident, call the police, take pictures of the damage to your vehicle, and ask any potential eyewitnesses for their contact information. If you slipped and fell on an unreasonable accumulation of snow or ice outside a Rochester business, photograph the hazard and its surroundings.
  2. Seek Immediate Medical Attention: Even if you do not believe that your injury is very serious, it is imperative that you see a physician. A doctor can help you identify injuries you did not know that you had. Not to mention that it could take time for neck injury-related symptoms to appear, scheduling an initial appointment will show the insurance company that you had serious concerns about your health that can be traced back to your accident.
  3. Call A Rochester Neck Injury Attorney: Depending on the nature of your accident, the insurance company or at-fault party might offer you a quick settlement. This settlement could be sufficient to cover your immediate needs but likely will not account for any income you lost from work, future doctor’s appointments, and long-term care. A Rochester neck injury attorney can help you negotiate with the insurance company for a better settlement.

Our hardworking and tenacious team of attorneys will listen to your story, even when no one else will. If another person’s negligence caused your car accident, we would advocate on your behalf, fighting to get you the funds you need to overcome your Rochester neck injury accident. However, the state of New York will not let you file a claim for compensation if you wait too long, even if you have an open-and-shut case. You need to take immediate action. Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. at 585-939-3939 today to schedule a free and discreet consultation.

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 585-939-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious, and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Rochester, New York. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

Client Reviews
I am a medical doctor and have worked with many of the best lawyers in Buffalo and I can say without question that Jed Dietrich is the only lawyer I would trust with my injury case in Buffalo New York. B.O.
Dogged, Determined, and Dead-set on getting you the Maximum settlement for your injuries! T.F.
No one will work harder, smarter or better; I have retained Jed and he obtained the best result for my case. D.P.
The definition of an "A" type personality-exactly who I would want to represent me in a serious personal injury case. E.S.
Jed is a Master in the courtroom without an equal. S.C.
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