
Erie, Pennsylvania, Car Accidents and Social Media

Jed Dietrich, Esq., is Prepared to Represent Individuals Injured in Car Accidents in Erie, Pennsylvania.

In a single recent year, over 3,000 individuals were killed by distracted driving. Social media contributes to nine deaths a day, according to the Centers for Disease Control. These days, we are rarely without our phones: we rely on them for work, communication, fitness apps, alarm clocks, grocery shopping, and maintaining multiple social media accounts. With a near-constant stream of updates and messages, our cell phones are an ever-present distraction. When behind the wheel of a car, the few seconds it takes to check a phone update can lead to a life-changing accident.

The Dietrich Law Firm P.C. has represented countless clients in the Erie, Pennsylvania, area. Our team is prepared to provide the best legal advice for your car accident case. For more information on how we might best represent you, call us today for your free consultation at 814-839-3939 or contact us online.

Social Media and Car Accidents

In a recent report on social media use, the Pew Research Center found that 72% of adults in the United States use social media. In the last two decades, social media use has exploded in popularity as a fast method of communication. While it has many positives, many of us are so used to checking our social media feeds multiple times an hour that it becomes instinct to refresh our screens even when behind the wheel of a car.

Distracted driving is any non-driving activity that diverts your attention from the road. When you are behind the wheel, you are responsible for the operation of your vehicle. If a driver is distracted, their awareness is divided between the road, their motor vehicle, and the object of their attention. This increases the likelihood that an accident will occur as a driver is less likely to notice potential hazards on the road in time to avoid them. Social media does not cause car accidents on its own, but it can be a serious distraction. It is important to remember that when you are behind the wheel of a vehicle, your phone should be put away, and your eyes always on the road.

Jed Dietrich, Esq. has obtained 1 million dollars, over 44 times, for clients suffering from personal injuries. If you or a loved one were injured as a result of a car accident in Erie, Pennsylvania, do not hesitate to reach out to the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. at 814-839-3939 or by filling out the online consultation form. Our team of expert personal injury attorneys is prepared to fight on your behalf!

Distracted Driving in Erie, Pennsylvania

In the state of Pennsylvania, texting while driving is prohibited for all drivers. Title 75 of Pennsylvania’s Texting-While-Driving Ban prohibits the use of all text message communication while operating a motor vehicle. Text-based communication includes:

  1. Sending and reading SMS and iMessages;
  2. Answering and reading emails;
  3. Internet searches; and
  4. Using social media.

Distracted driving is not limited to phone usage. It can be as simple as changing a radio station or reaching behind you for the snack box on a road trip. Any activity that takes your attention away from the road, even partially, qualifies as distracted driving. Other examples of distracted driving include:

  1. Applying or fixing makeup;
  2. Focusing on a crash or pulled-over vehicles;
  3. Smoking;
  4. Eating and drinking; and
  5. Conversing with passengers.



How to Avoid Social Media Use Behind the Wheel

It can be hard to resist the desire to check our phones. Particularly for individuals who rely on their phones for work, refreshing feeds can feel as natural as breathing. The following is a list of easy tips to help you and others avoid using social media behind the wheel. These tips include:

  1. Set a Do Not Disturb: Many smartphones have the option to set a “Do Not Disturb” while driving. When the phone senses that you are moving at a certain speed, it automatically silences all notifications to your phone. This allows you to drive without ringtones and other alerts to distract you from the road.
  2. Use Driving Focus: Apple iPhones can interact with Siri through Driving Focus, allowing you to dictate messages to Siri and accept or decline calls without needing to take your hands from the wheel.
  3. Spread Awareness: Share safe driving tips and State rules against cellphone use while driving. The National Safety Council has free downloads for easy social media posts that can help spread awareness.
  4. Be An Example to Others: Upholding model driving practices can have a powerful influence on others. If you are a parent, teach your children to avoid distracted driving by never using your cell phone while behind the wheel. Among peer groups, avoid using your phone if you are behind the wheel, or ask friends to pay attention if you notice them checking their phone while driving. Your safety and the safety of your loved ones are of utmost importance.

The safety of you and your loved ones should always be a top priority, especially behind the wheel of a car. When it comes to personal injury, our team at the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. is more than capable of assisting you every step of the way. Allow us to represent you in your case—you do not have to fight alone. Call today at 814-839-3939 or visit us online to begin the process.

Call the Dietrich Law Firm P.C. immediately at 814-839-3939 so that our aggressive, tenacious, and hardworking personal injury lawyers can fight to obtain the best result for your personal injury claim in Erie, Pennsylvania. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is never a fee until we WIN for you!

Client Reviews
I am a medical doctor and have worked with many of the best lawyers in Buffalo and I can say without question that Jed Dietrich is the only lawyer I would trust with my injury case in Buffalo New York. B.O.
Dogged, Determined, and Dead-set on getting you the Maximum settlement for your injuries! T.F.
No one will work harder, smarter or better; I have retained Jed and he obtained the best result for my case. D.P.
The definition of an "A" type personality-exactly who I would want to represent me in a serious personal injury case. E.S.
Jed is a Master in the courtroom without an equal. S.C.
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