
Whiplash Injury

Whiplash is an injury to the neck that a violent, swift back-and-forth neck movement can cause. The neck is a highly vulnerable body part, which is left unprotected and unrestrained even when wearing a seatbelt. A car crash victim’s neck can be forcefully jerked or jolted back and forth. Consequently, whiplash is one of the most prevalent injuries suffered in collisions, especially by rear-enders. Whiplash injuries commonly result from slip and fall accidents, physical abuse, and sports mishaps. While most whiplash victims tend to recover within a few weeks of a treatment regime, some victims continue having chronic pain and other persistent complications. 

Symptoms Of Whiplash 

The following signs and symptoms of a whiplash injury typically develop within days of the accident:

  1. Neck stiffness and pain;
  2. Intensification of pain with any neck movements;
  3. Dizziness;
  4. Fatigue;
  5. Headaches, which usually start at the base of the skull;
  6. Limited range of motion throughout the neck;
  7. Tingling or numbness throughout arms or body;
  8. Pain or tenderness in the upper back or shoulders;
  9. Ringing in the ears; and 
  10. Blurred vision.

If you experience any of the above symptoms following an accident, you must see your doctor. Even minor whiplash injuries could result in long-term pain and other serious complications when left untreated. Therefore, the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s compassionate attorneys strongly recommend obtaining prompt medical care to avoid worsening symptoms and rule out other problems.  

Diagnosis And Treatment 

Your doctor will likely inquire about your accident and symptoms. Although whiplash injuries are not apparent on imaging tests, your physician may order tests, such as X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computerized tomography (CT), to rule out other injuries. Additionally, the examining doctor will ask you to perform basic movements and tasks to check your range of motion, tenderness in your neck, the degree of motion that causes discomfort, reflexes, and overall strength. 

The primary goals of whiplash treatment are to control the victim’s pain, restore their full range of motion, and help them return to their normal activities. The scope and severity of your whiplash injury will determine the appropriate treatment plan. Some victims recover with only rest, heat and cold therapy, and over-the-counter painkillers. Others with more severe whiplash may need physical therapy, specialized pain management, muscle relaxants, numbing injections, foam collars, and strong prescription medications. Additionally, your treating physician could prescribe various movement exercises and stretches that can help restore your range of motion and get you back to your daily routine.  

Consult With The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s Veteran Whiplash Injury Lawyers Today!

Suppose you, or a family member, have been the victim of a collision resulting in a whiplash injury. In such an unfortunate occurrence, discussing your claim with a highly experienced whiplash attorney can provide you with crucial legal expertise and help you pursue a personal injury lawsuit. Jed Dietrich, Esq. has obtained over $175 million in compensation for his clients, including a $2,025,000 settlement for a 62-year-old man who suffered a whiplash injury. Don’t hesitate to contact our elite team now by calling 716-839-3939 or completing the online consultation form to schedule your complimentary case evaluation.

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