
Pedestrian Safety

Walking is a great way to get around and get some exercise in the process. Pedestrians can help reduce their carbon footprint while enjoying some fresh air. No wonder walking has become increasingly popular in recent times. However, if you prefer walking, being aware of the risks of being involved in a pedestrian accident is crucial. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in a recent year alone, there were roughly 6,300 pedestrians killed in traffic-related accidents. When on foot, you are approximately 1.5 times more susceptible to being fatally injured in an accident than car occupants. 

Every 9 minutes, a pedestrian suffers injuries caused by contact with a vehicle. Given the vast difference between the weight and velocity of your average vehicle and a pedestrian, it is understandable why foot-travelers are so vulnerable, especially considering they lack all protections. Consequently, pedestrian accident injuries are rarely just minor cuts and bruises. 

Common Causes Of Pedestrian Accidents

Most pedestrian incidents involve motorists or people on foot failing to take the necessary safety precautions to prevent such accidents. Nevertheless, even when pedestrians obey traffic laws, they are still in danger of being struck by careless drivers. While statistics regarding pedestrian accidents fluctuate from year to year, the following causes have consistently ranked the highest:

  1. Distracted driving;
  2. Speeding;
  3. Left-hand turns;
  4. Crossing at unmarked crosswalks;
  5. Choosing not to use a sidewalk;
  6. Wearing dark clothes at night;
  7. Failure to obey traffic signals and signs;
  8. Drinking and driving;
  9. Walking while distracted; and 
  10. Jaywalking.


The best way to prevent getting hit by a car is to pay attention, try to stay noticeable, and always use sidewalks or crosswalks whenever available. Additionally, the Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s seasoned personal injury attorneys recommend the following safety precautions to help you stay safe on your next walk:

  1. If sidewalks are not accessible, walk on the shoulder of the road, facing approaching traffic;
  2. Always pay attention, especially when crossing the street;
  3. Avoid using phones or any other electronic devices;
  4. Never use headphones while walking, especially noise-cancelling ones;
  5. Do not assume that drivers will notice you;
  6. Wear brightly colored clothing with reflectors, especially when walking at night or in low visibility conditions;
  7. Always look both ways before crossing the street;
  8. When walking in a crosswalk, wait until the crosswalk sign indicates that you can cross;
  9. When approaching vehicles that are backing out, stop and wait because the driver may not see you; and
  10. Try to avoid any unexpected movements.

Suppose that you or a family member were hit by a car. In that case, Jed Dietrich, Esq. would like to help you on your road to recovery. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s pedestrian accident injury lawyers have witnessed the heartbreaking consequences these tragic accidents can have on victims and their loved ones. We are available 24/7 by dialing 716-839-3939 or completing our online consultation form.

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