
How To Avoid Drowsy Driving Car Accidents

Discover the hidden epidemic sweeping our nation’s roads, threatening the lives of countless innocent individuals: drowsy driving. In a sleep-deprived society where the average American gets less than 7 hours of rest each night, the consequences can be dire. Astonishingly, despite the universal understanding that driving while drowsy is a recipe for disaster, a staggering 40% of drivers openly confess to embarking on their journeys in a fatigued state. Brace yourself for an even more alarming statistic: a shocking 20% of motorists, in the past year alone, have admitted to falling asleep behind the wheel.

Sleep-deprived drivers can quickly doze off for a few seconds without realizing it. While this might seem harmless, at 65 miles per hour, you could drive the length of an entire football field in that time. Additionally, being awake for over 20 hours is equivalent to having a blood alcohol concentration of .08 percent. In a recent year alone, drowsy drivers were responsible for at least 684 known fatalities. Sadly, most devastating accidents could have easily been prevented with proper due diligence and reasonable care.

Crucial Tips To Avoid Drowsy Driving

  1. Get Proper Sleep: One of the best practices for avoiding drowsy driving is to get at least 7 hours of sleep before a long drive.
  2. Avoid Rushing: Rushing puts you at a greater risk of an accident and makes it less likely you will take necessary driving breaks. Always allow extra time to get to your destination, especially on long drives.
  3. Take Necessary Breaks: Regardless of how much sleep you get the night before a long trip, most motorists should take a quick break every 2 hours or 100 miles.
  4. Stop for a Nap: If you begin feeling drowsy while driving, pull off the road and take a power nap. If you have been driving for more than 8 hours, consider staying at a hotel for the night.
  5. Plan Your Trip: Proper planning will allow for stops to stretch your legs and eat a meal or grab a beverage.
  6. Avoid Night Driving: Drivers can quickly become sleepy and less alert at night. Avoid getting behind the wheel when your body has become used to sleeping.
  7. Take Turns: Driving with others can help you stay awake. Also, if you feel yourself getting drowsy, you can take turns driving every couple of hours.
  8. Listen to a Podcast: To avoid boredom while driving, watch an engaging podcast or radio show. Whether you listen to an audiobook, the news, or some other program, it will help keep your mind active and alert.
  9. Avoid Things that Cause Drowsiness: It is crucial to stay away from alcohol, prescription medications, and certain over-the-counter medicines that are known for causing drowsiness.
  10. Take Care of Yourself: If you have trouble sleeping at night, schedule an appointment with your doctor. Often, even minor symptoms of fatigue can indicate more significant sleep issues, like narcolepsy or sleep apnea.

Please Contact The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s Car Crash Lawyers!

Were you, or a loved one, seriously injured in an accident caused by a drowsy driver? If so, Jed Dietrich, Esq., recognized as an American Institute of Personal Injury Attorneys 10 Best Attorney, would like to help you. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s seasoned litigators have assisted thousands of victims and their families recover after tragic collisions. Schedule your no-obligation, complimentary consultation, and case evaluation by dialing 716-839-3939 or filling out our online consultation form.

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