
The Dangers Of Road Rage

Frustration behind the wheel is something most of us can relate to. Whether it’s a near-miss collision, an abrupt cut-off, or a blatant disregard for traffic rules, we’ve all experienced that surge of anger. However, what starts as a simple irritation can quickly escalate into a dangerous phenomenon known as road rage.

Road rage is the embodiment of a driver’s unbridled fury, triggered by the actions of another motorist and manifested through violent or aggressive behavior. Disturbingly, this destructive behavior has surged in recent years, posing a significant threat to countless innocent individuals on the road. It encompasses not only attempts to damage vehicles but also terrifying acts of intimidation, injury, and, in some cases, even death.

Join us as we uncover the startling truth behind road rage and its impact on our daily lives. Discover the steps we can take as individuals and as a society to curb this dangerous epidemic, ensuring our roads become safer for everyone who travels upon them.

Common Road Rage Incidents

According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), aggressive driving is prevalent among drivers in the United States. Approximately 80% of motorists displayed significant aggression, anger, or road rage while driving on one or more occasions in the last 30 days. Often, aggressive driving can quickly escalate into all-out road rage. Some examples of road rage include:

  1. Throwing objects at other vehicles;
  2. Ramming into other vehicles;
  3. Forcing other drivers off the road;
  4. Extremely rude or obscene gestures;
  5. Calculatedly swiping into other vehicles;
  6. Intentionally slamming on your brakes without reason;
  7. Excessive tailgating;  
  8. Cutting off another driver and then rapidly slowing down;
  9. Purposely blocking cars attempting to pass; and 
  10. Deliberately running a red light or stop sign.

Road Rage-Related Injuries 

The gravity of injuries accompanying crashes involving road rage is much more devastating when compared to other types of accidents. This is because of the high speeds, aggressiveness, and forceful impacts often caused by the raging driver. In a recent year alone, 325 cases of road rage involved guns. Roughly 30 victims senselessly lose their lives in road rage-related incidents each year. Of the fatalities involving road rage, most have been considered manslaughter or even murder.

For victims that are fortunate enough to survive these devastating collisions, it often takes months or even years to start to recover physically, emotionally, and psychologically not to mention the costly hospital bills, rehabilitation expenses, and other financial damages, which add more stress on victims and their loved ones. 

If you find yourself the target of another driver’s road rage, we urge you to stay calm, keep a safe distance, and call the police. This will minimize the risk of confrontation and help keep you unharmed. 

Retain A Top Rated Road Rage Car Accident Injury Lawyer Today 

Join the thousands of car accident victims our seasoned lawyers have helped get back on their feet. Contact us now for your complimentary, no-obligation consultation and case evaluation. We are available 24/7 at 716-839-3939 or by completing our online consultation form.

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