
How To Make Your Car Safer

Most new car models offer sophisticated safety features like collision avoidance systems, adaptive cruise control, and lane departure technology. Despite state-of-the-art advancements in car safety, getting behind the wheel is still one of the most dangerous things the average person does daily.

Cases of drunk driving, reckless driving, speeding, and distracted driving have become increasingly prevalent. These careless behaviors lead to more crashes and endanger innocent lives. Fortunately, there are some measures you can implement to make your car safer. The Dietrich Law Firm P.C.’s battle-tested car accident lawyers will divulge several safety tips in this guide.

Crucial Tips On Improving The Safety Of Your Vehicle

Considering the increasing number of vehicles on the road and the rising number of fatal collisions, car safety is more critical than ever. The following tips can help make your car much safer:

  1. Secure Loose Objects: No matter how many safety features your vehicle has, nothing can save you from loose objects inside your car. Loose items in vehicles are responsible for 13,000 serious injuries every year. In an accident, loose objects can instantly transform from harmless items into lethal projectiles. We recommend securing all loose items in your trunk or cargo area, where they are less likely to hurt occupants. Keeping your car clean and well-organized will also help protect you.
  2. Use Better Tires: A vehicle’s safety begins where the tires’ treads grip the road. Good tires provide traction and create friction to ensure your car does not slip in normal conditions or hydroplane in the rain. Since having quality tires is crucial, you should never compromise performance for the price. Additionally, even the best tires get worn out with use. Thus, you should regularly inspect and replace your tires when the treads become flattened.
  3. Install A Reverse Camera: Without a reverse camera, you may find it nearly impossible to see everything behind you. According to a recent survey by Budget Direct, roughly 54 percent of motorists have had at least one near miss while reversing. Although reverse cameras are typically not a standard feature in basic or older model cars, aftermarket reverse cameras are relatively inexpensive and easy to install.
  4. Use Blind-Spot Warning Systems: Every vehicle has significant blind spots that make it difficult to see. Since mirrors only do so much, most drivers need to physically turn their heads to look for hazards. However, the standard shoulder check might need to be improved, especially in poor lighting conditions. A blind spot detection system can automatically detect when another car is in your blind spot. These sensors will help make merging and changing lanes much safer.

Please Call Our Top Rated Car Accident Lawyers Now!

Implementing our above advice can significantly enhance the safety of your vehicle and help you stay injury-free in the event of an accident. Unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent every collision. Suppose that you, or someone you know, has suffered damages caused by another driver. Please schedule your no-obligation, complimentary consultation, and case evaluation by calling 716-839-3939.

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